Cultural Day

rolled paper frameHi everyone! This is about Cultural Day! Actually, in my country there’s a lot of culture and there are of many race like Malay, Chinese, Indian and lots more. And my school is also having a celebration on that day and this time, the event principle chose my class country as India! I know, a bit exciting, is it?                                                                                                  Well, in my class my teacher put me and my friends into groups and in every group there’s always a job to do. The 1st group makes the welcome banner which will persuade other classes to come to our class and see what we have. I hope their banner is interesting and attractive enough for a lot of people to come. The 2nd group is making the country flag. They’re making the Indian country flag out of paper, pretty easy but the group is look really hardworking. And the 3rd group is the food group. Their job is to make a list of Indian foods and you know that is easy for you but during Cultural Day, they have a lot work to do and a bit harder and here is the list of a few Indian foods; Bariani, Capati, Indian sweets and lots more. For the last group, which is the group I’m in which is the Class decoration group, we’re making rolled paper frames which is like the picture on the top and little paper chains. Its a lots work to do but we had fun with this project.                                     How about your Cultural day? Hope all of you enjoy cultural day too.                                                    Anyways, this is my first blog and please support me to comment down below and don’t forget to click like to me. I wish you Happy Cultural Day!!.. :).

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